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The Splendid Purple Bloom of Son Tra Peninsula


Visit Son Tra Peninsula to witness its spectacular purple blooms and pristine natural landscapes, where you can immerse yourself in the beauty and tranquility of Vietnam's treasured outdoors.

Location and Landscape

Situated just 10 kilometers northeast of Da Nang, the Son Tra Peninsula is a picturesque getaway featuring over 4,400 hectares of lush terrain, encircled by the sea on three sides. With elevations reaching up to 700 meters at Mount Oc, the area offers stunning views and a refreshing escape from the urban bustle.

Vibrant Spring Blooms

Each year from late April to May, Son Tra comes alive with the radiant purple blooms of the Thàn Mát flowers (Millettia ichthyochtona), locally known as Mác Bát. These flowers cover the forest canopy in brilliant hues, complementing the deep green of the jungle and creating a striking natural mosaic that is ideal for photography and nature hikes.

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A Refuge for Rare Wildlife

This peninsula is crucial for the conservation of the Brown-shanked Douc Langurs (Voọc chà vá chân nâu), a primate native to the region and seen frequently among the blooming Thàn Mát. With a population of 300-400, these langurs are among the most captivating sights for wildlife enthusiasts.

Floral Richness and Conservation Initiatives

Son Tra's diverse flora also includes the Sim flower, the seasonal Lim Xet, and the pristine white blooms of the Bìm Bìm, which together support a vibrant ecosystem. The recent addition of over 300 Thàn Mát trees along Hoàng Sa Road enhances this biodiversity and adds to the area’s scenic beauty.

Ideal Spots for Viewing

  • Ban Co Peak: Offers panoramic views of Da Nang and the surrounding waters. It’s an excellent spot for sunrise or sunset watchers.

  • Bai But Area: Known for its serene setting, perfect for picnics or quiet reflection while enjoying the ocean view.

  • Suối Ôm Path: Winds through primary forest areas where the Thàn Mát are particularly lush, making it a favorite for photographers and nature lovers.

Navigational Tips and Safety

While exploring, visitors might encounter paths affected by erosion, especially near Suối Ôm from the heavy rains in October 2022. Caution is advised, and staying on marked trails can ensure a safe visit.

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Connect with the Natural World

Son Tra Peninsula not only offers a feast for the eyes with its purple springtime spectacle but also serves as a living sanctuary where visitors can experience the harmony between diverse plant species and endemic wildlife. Whether you're a photographer, a nature enthusiast, or simply looking for peace, Son Tra provides a unique and memorable adventure into Vietnam’s vibrant natural world.

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