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Pho Rolls ( Phở cuốn)


Phở cuốn, known as rolled pho,,is a Vietnamese dish that showcases the creativity and resourcefulness of Vietnamese cuisine. Legend has it that phở cuốn originated when a Hanoi street vendor ran out of broth for his pho, but with some uncut noodles left in his kitchen, he ingeniously created this new culinary delight.

Using sheets of uncut pho noodles as wrapping paper, it is filled with a delightful combination of stir-fried beef, garlic, ginger, pepper, onions, lettuce, and fragrant herbs like mint, perilla, and cilantro.

These rolls are then served with a side dip, typically made with fish sauce, sugar, garlic, chili, and vinegar, adding a tangy and savory element to the dish.

Phở cuốn is a versatile dish that can be enjoyed as a snack or appetizer, and it is particularly popular during the summer months.