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Con Dao Island


The Con Dao islands off Vietnam's southern coast offer secluded paradise with white sand beaches, vibrant jungles, unique wildlife, and excellent scuba diving.

The Con Dao islands off Vietnam's southern coast offer secluded paradise with white sand beaches, vibrant jungles, unique wildlife, and excellent scuba diving. The largest island, Con Son, is mountainous with 5,000 residents, and most of the island is restricted, but trips are easy to arrange.

230.000 VND - 250.000 VND
Budget Free
Address Located off the Southeast coast of Vietnam, Con Dao is an archipelago of Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province

Hours and Fees

Things to do

Explore the National Park

  • Activities: Offers diverse activities including jungle trekking, bird watching, and exploring endemic wildlife. Several trekking routes vary in difficulty and can take you through dense tropical forests and to remote beaches.

  • Flora and Fauna: The park is a haven for biodiversity, with many species of birds, reptiles, and marine life. It's also one of the few places in Vietnam where you can find endangered species like the dugong.

Visit Historical Prisons

  • Phú Hải Prison: The oldest and largest prison in Côn Đảo, used by the French and later by the Americans and South Vietnamese. Its exhibits give a haunting glimpse into the past.

  • The Tiger Cages: Infamous for their brutal conditions, these small, open-air cages were used to house political prisoners. Visiting here is a somber experience that offers a deep understanding of Vietnam's history.

Beach Activities

  • Đầm Trầu Beach: Known for its soft sand and clear waters, it's perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and enjoying sunset views. It's close to the airport and often less crowded than other beaches.

  • Other Beaches: Nhat Beach, Lo Voi Beach, and An Hai Beach are also worth visiting for their scenic beauty and tranquility.

Scuba Diving and Snorkeling

  • Dive Spots: Con Dao is one of Vietnam's best diving spots, with several dive sites around the archipelago. These sites are home to diverse coral reefs and a variety of marine life.

  • Snorkeling: For non-divers, snorkeling offers a glimpse into the underwater world. The clear waters provide excellent visibility to observe the vibrant marine ecosystem.


Turtle Watching

  • Beaches like Bay Canh Island: This is where sea turtles come ashore to lay eggs. The best time for turtle watching is at night, and it's essential to go with a guide and follow conservation guidelines.

Visit the Côn Đảo Museum

  • Exhibits: The museum provides insights into the island's history, including its use as a prison, the flora and fauna of the region, and local culture.

  • Educational Value: It's a great place to start your visit to understand the island's past and present context.

Best time to visit

  1. Dry Season (November to April):

    • Weather: This period is characterized by sunny days, clear skies, and lower humidity, making it ideal for beach activities, hiking, and outdoor exploration.

    • Tourism: It's the peak tourist season, so expect more visitors and a lively atmosphere, but also higher prices for accommodation and flights.

    • Activities: Perfect for diving and snorkeling as the sea is calmer and the water clarity is at its best.

  2. Wet Season (May to October):

    • Weather: This season brings more rainfall and higher humidity. The seas can be rougher, which might affect water activities.

    • Tourism: Fewer tourists visit during this time, which means you'll find more tranquility and often lower prices.

    • Nature: The landscape is lush and green, and waterfalls are at their most impressive. It's a good time for nature lovers and photographers.


Special Considerations

  1. Turtle Nesting Season (June to September):

    • If you're interested in marine life, this is a unique time to visit. You might witness sea turtles laying eggs or hatchlings making their way to the sea. However, remember that this coincides with the rainy season.

  2. Vietnamese Holidays and Festivals:

    • Consider local holidays like Tết (Vietnamese New Year) and other national festivals. These periods can be very busy, with increased domestic tourism. They offer a rich cultural experience but require early booking.


Month-by-Month Breakdown

  • November to February: Cool and dry, ideal for all tourist activities. Great for celebrating Western and Vietnamese New Year.

  • March and April: Warmer but still dry. Excellent for beach-going and water sports.

  • May to August: Hotter and more humid with occasional rains. Quieter tourist period. Good for nature and fewer crowds.

  • September and October: Increasing rainfall, end of the nesting season. Great for those who prefer a more solitary experience and lush landscapes.


Tips for Choosing When to Visit

  • Personal Preferences: Your choice should align with what you want to experience. For beach and diving enthusiasts, the dry season is best. For those interested in nature and a quieter experience, consider the wet season.

  • Booking in Advance: During peak seasons, book your travel and accommodation well in advance to ensure availability.

  • Check Weather Forecasts: Before traveling, check the local weather forecasts for any unexpected changes, especially during the transition months between seasons.

Additional tips

  1. Accommodation Booking: Book your accommodations in advance, especially if traveling during peak season or holidays.

  2. Transportation: Rent a motorbike or bicycle to explore the island at your own pace. Taxis are available but can be scarce.

  3. Pack Appropriately: Bring sunscreen, insect repellent, and comfortable walking shoes. If planning to dive or snorkel, consider bringing your own gear.

  4. Respect Wildlife: Follow guidelines when observing wildlife, especially during turtle nesting season. Keep a safe distance and avoid using flash photography.

  5. Stay Hydrated: The tropical climate can be dehydrating, so carry water with you, especially when trekking or exploring outdoors.

  6. Cultural Sensitivity: Be respectful of local customs and traditions. Dress modestly when visiting religious or historical sites.

  7. Local Cuisine: Try local delicacies, especially seafood, which is fresh and abundant on the island.

  8. Cash is King: While some places accept credit cards, cash is still widely used, especially in smaller establishments and for transport.

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