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Gifted Students & Enrichment Programs in Vietnam

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In Vietnam’s intensely education-focused society, it is critical for expatriate parents to nurture their child’s gifts and talents to ensure they reach their full potential. While specialized resources are still developing, major cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City offer programs for enrichment, assessment, and acceleration that can deeply challenge advanced young learners.

Understanding Characteristics of Gifted Learners

Giftedness manifests differently in each child but common strengths include:

  • Intellectual aptitude - rapid learning, large vocabulary, strong critical thinking and problem analysis.

  • Creativity - fluid imaginative thinking, innovating original ideas and solutions.

  • Leadership - initiative, responsibility, motivating peers, organizational skills.

  • Artistic talents - excellence in music, drama, dance, painting or creative writing.

  • Kinesthetic talents – athleticism, coordination, adeptness at physical activities and sports.

Other typical traits are intensity, perfectionism, nonconformity, competitiveness, preference for older peers, strong convictions. Standardized tests like WISC, Stanford Binet, Raven’s Progressive Matrices, along with cognitive ability assessments, achievement benchmarks, teacher checklists, portfolios and educator referrals all help formally identify giftedness.

Top Enrichment Programs

To push beyond grade level academics, enrichment options in Vietnam include:

  • Specialized gifted high schools like the High School for Gifted Students at the Vietnam National University of Education provide an advanced 3-year STEM-focused curriculum for intellectually gifted students who pass a rigorous entrance exam after 9th grade.

  • Olympia Education Centers offer sophisticated after-school and summer courses in math, science, leadership, debate, public speaking and more to motivate bright elementary through high school students. Admissions is based on assessment exams.

  • Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Talented Youth runs a Vietnam Talent Search to identify advanced 6th-10th grade students scoring in the 95th percentile on local exams. Qualifiers gain access to specialized U.S. based programs, courses, and summer camps.

  • The Gifted and Talented Program at international schools like United Nations International School has a dedicated coordinator and weekly pull-out classes for intellectually gifted students selected based on nominations, test scores, and prior performance.


Pull-out enrichment classes for the gifted allow advanced instruction among peers and often involve projects. WASS provides an educational environment that helps develop intellectually and personally through a comprehensive bilingual and international education program

  • Academic competitions like the National Physics Competition, the National Mathematics Competition, and Viettel’s ICT contests allow gifted students to compete in STEM challenges to test themselves and win recognition. Register individually or through schools.

  • CoderSchool's after-school and summer CodeCamps teach programming and design thinking for kids 5-18. Admissions is by aptitude assessment. Scholarships available.

  • Mobile apps like Mawa and Got It use game-based learning to develop logical thinking and problem solving skills. Available free on the App Store or Google Play.

Interacting with intellectual peers, both locally and at overseas summer programs, helps gifted students expand their potential.

Acceleration Policies and Programs for Expat Students

For exceptionally advanced expatriate learners in Vietnam ready for further challenge, some acceleration options include:

  • International schools like UNIS, BIS, and Renaissance implement subject-based acceleration, allowing students to take higher grade level classes tailored to strengths while remaining with same-age peers otherwise. Consult with counselors.

  • While whole grade acceleration is uncommon in Vietnam, some international schools may approve grade skipping with sufficient cognitive testing data, past academic records, and school approval. Discuss options with counselors.

  • Early primary school entrance for profoundly gifted expats may be possible at age 5 instead of 6 at selective international kindergartens like Horizon or Invictus. Requires assessment data.

  • Many international high schools allow fast-paced expats to accumulate credits early through intensive classes, summer school, and graduate 1-2 years early. Requires counselor approval.

  • Within International Baccalaureate programmes at international schools, fast-track options exist to complete the IB diploma in just 18 months instead of 2 years. Enables early university entry.

  • Dual enrollment programs allow expat teens to take selected university classes online or in person while completing high school. Requires approval.

  • Online accelerated courses through platforms like Stanford Online High School or Johns Hopkins CTY can supplement international school classes.

Expat parents should consult international school counselors and advocate politely but firmly for suitable acceleration, backed by cognitive assessments, grades, and capability data.


With dedication and the right opportunities, Vietnam can cultivate future innovators and high achievers through its gifted youth.

Tailoring Developmental Support for Gifted Kids

  • Allow freedom to keenly pursue topics of deep personal interest vs overscheduling extracurricular activities.

  • Emphasize enjoying the learning process rather than end results to reduce anxiety over perfectionism.

  • Partner closely with teachers to customize curriculum, instruction pace, independent projects based on child’s skills.

  • Monitor social adjustment and foster genuine friendships with peers across ages and abilities.

  • Provide guidance on managing intensity, competitiveness, sky-high expectations while instilling values.

  • Understand sensory overexcitabilities and how to create a stimulating yet calming learning environment.

  • Expose to diverse cultures, philosophical viewpoints, and experiences to expand perspectives.

  • Help balance excellence in a domain with general well-being, relationships and personal growth.

  • Facilitate identity development and finding meaning in pursuits beyond external achievement.

With the right developmental support, Vietnam’s gifted youth can grow into tomorrow’s leaders, innovators and empowered change-makers.