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Cabbage Rolls with Wild Herbs (Bắp cải cuốn nhót)


"Bắp cải ăn cùng nhót xanh" (Cabbage Rolls with Wild Herbs) may initially strike you as an unusual combination. However, this exceptional snack from Northwest Vietnam has won over the locals and sparked the curiosity of travelers.

These rolls feature fresh cabbage leaves packed with vibrant wild herbs like garlic, ginger, onion flowers, and coriander. The cabbage leaves, sourced from local gardens, serve as wrappers, and the rolls are enjoyed raw. Occasionally, the leaves are lightly blanched for easier rolling.

The wild herbs used in this dish possess a youthful allure, adorned with a delicate white powder and offering a refreshing crispness. The herbs can be left intact or sliced lengthwise for effortless enjoyment. Before indulging, locals typically dip them into a special sauce known as "chẳm chéo."

Chẳm chép sauce is the soul of the dish

"Chẳm chéo" comes in diverse variations, each boasting its own distinctive flavor to complement different dishes. However, this dipping sauce typically boasts a blend of aromatic leaves, chili spiciness, the sweet aroma of Mac Khen herb, and the saltiness of salt. These ingredients, along with raw garlic, are meticulously crushed and blended to craft a tantalizing condiment.

Upon the first bite, one may encounter the pungent cabbage aroma, the tang of wild herbs, or the fiery kick of ginger and chili, which may require some acclimatization. Nevertheless, for many, subsequent bites, especially when paired with the savory "chẳm chéo" sauce, trigger an addictive craving for more.