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Local Pet Services & Veterinarians in Vietnam

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Being an expat in Vietnam comes with its own set of adventures, and finding reliable pet care is one of them. While Vietnam offers a unique blend of traditional and modern pet care services, understanding the landscape is vital for your pet's well-being.

The Reality of Vet Clinics in Vietnam

Vietnam's growth in various sectors over the past few decades is evident. Veterinary care is no exception. Cities are gradually catching up with international standards, but it's essential to know where to look.

Spotting Genuine Vietnam Vet Clinics

Selecting a vet clinic, especially in a foreign land, requires some research and attention.

  • Check Certifications: Most reputable clinics proudly display their certifications. This can be a good indicator of their training and standards.

  • Ask Fellow Expats: The expat community in Vietnam is quite close-knit. Leverage this network. Their experiences can guide you to trustworthy clinics.

  • Reputable Vet Clinics in Major Cities:

Ho Chi Minh City:

  1. Animal Doctors International: A popular choice among expats, this clinic offers a wide range of services with international standards.

  2. Petcare Veterinary Hospital: Known for its modern facilities and trained staff, it's a safe bet for your pet.


  1. ASVELIS Veterinary Hospital: A well-respected name in Hanoi, ASVELIS is favored by both locals and expatriates.

  2. Hanoi Veterinary Clinic: Another top-rated option in the city, they cater extensively to the expat community.

Da Nang:

  1. PAWS Veterinary Clinic: With modern equipment and skilled professionals, they are setting new standards in Da Nang's veterinary care.

  2. V-Care Veterinary Clinic: A reputable clinic known for its personalized care and dedicated team.

These vet clinics are among the best in Vietnam's major cities, providing both routine and emergency services to ensure your pet's health and well-being.

Handling Emergencies

Emergencies are, by nature, unpredictable. Being prepared can make all the difference:

  • Keep Emergency Contacts Handy: Always have the contact of your preferred vet and an emergency clinic saved in your phone.

  • Know Your Route: Familiarize yourself with the route to the vet clinic. In case of emergencies, every minute counts.

  • Connect with Locals and Expats: They can provide firsthand advice on handling pet emergencies in Vietnam.

Navigating Other Trusted Pet Services

Beyond veterinary care, Vietnam's bustling cities are host to an array of pet services, many of which cater especially to the expat community.

Grooming Services: Not Just About the Looks

While Vietnam is flourishing with grooming parlors, not all are created equal. Here's how to ensure your furry friend gets the best care:

  • Hygiene First: The cleanliness of the facility should be a top priority. A clean environment is not just about aesthetics—it directly impacts the health of your pet. Make sure tools are sanitized, and workspaces are free of hair and dirt.

  • Skilled Professionals: Just like humans, pets have different needs. A good groomer will be familiar with various breeds and their specific needs. They should also be gentle and patient with animals, making the experience stress-free.

  • Quality Products: Ask about the products being used. Opt for clinics or parlors that use natural, hypoallergenic, or recognized brands. This can prevent unwanted reactions or skin irritations.

  • Recommendations: Word of mouth remains powerful. Platforms like often have forums where expats discuss and recommend various services, including pet grooming in Vietnam.


Pet Sitters: An Emerging Service

With the rise in pet ownership, there's been a noticeable growth in demand for pet sitters. Here's what you need to know:

  • Informal Networks: The concept of pet sitting is still somewhat novel in Vietnam. As such, many services operate through informal networks. Friends, acquaintances, or even vet clinics can recommend trustworthy individuals.

  • Trust & Familiarity: Since these services might not be through established businesses, ensure you're comfortable with the individual. Perhaps arrange a meet-and-greet session. This allows your pet to familiarize themselves with the sitter and gives you an opportunity to discuss care routines.

  • Backup Plans: Always have a contingency plan. Since the pet sitting scene is still budding, it might not be as reliable as in more established markets. Ensure a friend or neighbor has a spare key and is familiar with your pet's routine just in case.

Navigating pet services in Vietnam might require a bit more research and due diligence compared to more established markets. However, with the country's rapidly evolving landscape, services are continually improving, offering residents—including expats—a range of quality options for their pets.

Navigating The Cultural Differences

Vietnam's pet care industry is developing, and cultural norms surrounding pet ownership are evolving. As an expat, having an insight into these cultural aspects can help you navigate pet care more effectively.

Pet Ownership in Vietnam

Historically, pet ownership in Vietnam was often more functional — dogs, for instance, were kept to guard homes or farms. This, however, is changing swiftly, especially in urban and metropolitan areas. A growing middle class, along with Western influence, has shifted pet ownership towards companionship.

The Modern Pet Owner in Vietnam

The modern Vietnamese pet owner, particularly among the younger generations, increasingly views pets as family members. This shift is influencing the market, leading to an increase in demand for quality pet care services. However, the older generation might still hold onto traditional views, seeing pets more as property than family.

Cultural Sensitivity and Public Spaces

Expats may notice that pets in Vietnam are not as commonly welcomed in public spaces as in Western countries. While pet-friendly cafés and parks are emerging, they are still relatively rare.


  • Always check with an establishment if you can bring your pet inside.

  • Leashing your pet in public areas is generally expected.

Communication: Managing Language Barriers

While younger Vietnamese people increasingly speak English, especially in urban areas, older generations might not. This language gap can extend to vets and pet care services, though clinics in larger cities, catering to expats, often have English-speaking staff.


Is it easy to find English-speaking vet clinics in Vietnam?
While not ubiquitous, many clinics in major cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City have English-speaking staff, especially those frequented by expats.

How do pet care costs in Vietnam compare to Western countries?
Generally, pet services in Vietnam are more affordable than in Western countries. However, costs can rise in clinics with higher standards or imported products.

How do I ensure a vet clinic in Vietnam is trustworthy?
Recommendations from fellow expats, online reviews, and firsthand visits can give a sense of a clinic's credibility. Look for clinics that are transparent about their certifications and credentials.

What challenges should I anticipate for pet care in Vietnam?
Language barriers, varying standards of care, and limited emergency services are some challenges you might face.

Are there pet-friendly accommodations in Vietnam?
Yes, but they are more common in larger cities. Always inquire before signing a lease. Websites like Hoozing often have filters for pet-friendly accommodations.

How do locals perceive pets in Vietnam?
While pet love is growing, especially among the younger generation, some older Vietnamese might still have a functional perspective on pets.


Vietnam, with its unique blend of tradition and modernity, offers a distinctive experience for expats seeking pet services. While challenges exist, thorough research and engaging with the expat community can substantially ease the process, ensuring that your furry friend receives top-tier care, even miles away from home.