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Braised Hemibagrus in Bean Paste (Cá diếc kho tương)


Introducing the quintessential Northern Vietnamese delight: Cá diếc kho tương, a traditional braised fish dish that tantalizes the palate with its rich, savory flavors and wonderfully tender texture. This culinary masterpiece combines the unique taste of the Hemibagrus fish, which is small yet packed with flavor, and the deep, mellow richness of tương bần (fermented bean paste), creating an unforgettable dining experience.

At the heart of this dish is the meticulous preparation of the fish. Selected for their ideal size—about the length of two to three fingers—these fish are cleaned and prepared with precision. The belly is slit to remove the innards while preserving the precious roe, and the body is lightly massaged with salt and a squeeze of lime juice to eliminate any hint of fishiness. The fish is then rinsed and patted dry, setting the stage for a flavor infusion.

The magic begins with the fish being marinated in a robust mixture of tương bần, a splash of nước hàng (caramel sauce), sugar, and a touch of MSG (optional), which enhances the umami. This is complemented by freshly ground black pepper and crushed riềng (galangal), which introduce a spicy warmth to the dish.

As the fish braises, the kitchen fills with its enticing aroma. The fish is gently layered with sour khế (starfruit) and slices of ginger and galangal at the bottom of the pot, which not only infuses it with flavor but also tenderizes the fish to perfection. The pot is then brought to a boil and simmered, allowing the flavors to meld beautifully. The fish is cooked not once, but twice over low heat, ensuring that the meat is firm, the bones are soft, and the sauce reduces to a thick, glossy consistency that clings to the fish, enhancing its natural flavor.

The final dish is a stunning display of culinary artistry: the fish, with its golden-brown, caramelized exterior and succulent, flaky meat, paired beautifully with simple steamed rice and fresh greens. The flavors are a complex layering of sweet, salty, and savory, with a hint of tartness from the starfruit, making each bite a delightful exploration of Northern Vietnamese cuisine.

Cá diếc kho tương is not just a meal; it's a celebration of tradition and taste, perfect for those transitional days between seasons when the warmth of a comforting meal is most appreciated. Whether it's a casual family dinner or a festive gathering, this dish promises to be a centerpiece that invites admiration and satisfies the soul.

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