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Mai Chau Valley


Nestled amidst the lush northern landscapes of Vietnam, Mai Chau beckons adventure seekers with its serene beauty and exhilarating mountain biking trails. Located just 135 kilometers from Hanoi, this picturesque valley boasts a tapestry of ethnic minority villages, limestone karsts, and sprawling rice paddies that form the backdrop of an unforgettable cycling experience.

Ideal season

Dry Season (November to April)


  • Mild temperatures and low humidity make for comfortable riding conditions.

  • Reduced chance of rain ensures dry trails and clear skies.

  • Ideal for taking in the stunning views and exploring the cultural aspects of the region.


  • Popular season, so expect more tourists in the area.

  • Accommodations and guided tours may be in higher demand, so it's wise to book in advance.

Wet Season (May to October)


  • Lush green landscapes and vibrant foliage make for scenic rides.

  • Fewer tourists mean a quieter and more peaceful experience.

  • Lower accommodation and tour prices due to reduced demand.


  • Frequent rain can make trails muddy and slippery, posing challenges for biking.

  • The possibility of landslides in hilly areas during heavy rain should be considered for safety.

If you favor pleasant weather and smooth trail conditions, the dry season is the way to go. On the other hand, if you enjoy the lushness of the rainy season and prefer quieter surroundings, it can be a rewarding choice.

Mountain Biking Trails

Mai Chau offers a plethora of mountain biking trails, catering to riders of all skill levels. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned cyclist, there's a trail for you:

  1. The Muong Village Loop: Embark on an easy journey through the Muong villages, where traditional stilt houses and warm encounters with locals await. Immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry of this region.

  2. Heaven's Gate Trail: For those seeking a moderate challenge, the Heaven's Gate Trail leads to a natural rock formation that gifts you with breathtaking views of the valley. It's a perfect blend of adventure and awe-inspiring vistas.

  3. The Cat Cat Trail: Dare to take on a difficult trail through the Cat Cat National Park, where you can spot a myriad of wildlife, from playful monkeys to elusive gibbons and even the occasional bear. This trail promises an encounter with Vietnam's vibrant biodiversity.

This is a moderate trail that takes you to Heaven's Gate, a natural rock formation that offers stunning views of the valley.

Bigger Challenge

If you're craving a more demanding adventure, Mai Chau has you covered:

  1. The Thung Khe Pass Trail: Conquer one of Vietnam's highest passes, the Thung Khe Pass, on a long and challenging journey that will test your mettle against the elements and offer vistas that defy description.

  2. The Hoa Binh Loop: Embark on a multi-day expedition through the Hoa Binh province, where you'll traverse villages and natural wonders, immersing yourself in the heart of Vietnam's rural charm.

The Thung Khe Pass Trail is a long and difficult trail that takes you over Thung Khe Pass, one of the highest passes in Vietnam.
The Hoa Binh Loop is a multi-day trail that takes you through the Hoa Binh province, visiting a variety of villages and natural attractions.

Practical Tips

Embrace the Challenge

  • Know Your Fitness Level: Be honest about your cycling abilities and fitness level. The Mai Chau Bike Trail can be demanding, so it's crucial to assess your readiness for a challenging ride.

Trail Preparation

  • Bike Maintenance: Ensure your bicycle is in top condition. Check tire pressure, brakes, gears, and make any necessary repairs or adjustments before starting the trail.

  • Safety Gear: Invest in quality safety gear, including a sturdy helmet, gloves, knee and elbow pads, and appropriate eyewear. Safety should be your top priority.

  • Navigation: Carry a reliable GPS device or map of the trail. The route can be intricate, and getting lost is a real possibility. A GPS can be a lifesaver.

  • Emergency Kit: As you embark on a challenging route, it's wise to carry a basic emergency kit that includes first aid supplies, a multi-tool for bike repairs, a flashlight, and extra batteries.

Stay Hydrated and Energized

  • Water Supply: Hydration is essential, especially in the hot and dry mountainous terrain. Carry a sufficient amount of water, and consider a hydration pack for easy access on the move.

  • Nutrition: Pack energy-rich snacks like granola bars, dried fruits, and nuts. These provide quick boosts of energy during strenuous sections of the trail.

By adhering to these comprehensive tips, you'll be well-prepared to conquer the challenging Mai Chau Bike Trail safely and enjoyably.

Gear and Attire

  • Apparel: Wear moisture-wicking clothing to keep sweat away from your body, and opt for breathable fabrics to stay comfortable in varying temperatures. Layering is key in mountainous regions where weather can change quickly.

  • Shoes: Invest in proper mountain biking shoes with good traction and ankle support. They provide stability on rugged trails.

Riding Techniques

  • Pacing: Pace yourself wisely. On challenging terrain, it's better to conserve energy for uphill sections and technical descents.

  • Braking: Master proper braking techniques, especially when descending steep slopes. Avoid overusing your brakes to prevent overheating.

  • Climbing: When tackling steep climbs, shift to lower gears and maintain a steady pedal cadence. It conserves energy and provides better control.

  • Descending: Keep your weight centered and low on descents, with your pedals level. Use both brakes evenly for better control and traction.

Safety in Remote Areas

  • Solo Riding: It's recommended to ride with a group, especially if you're not familiar with the trail. In remote areas, having companions can be a lifesaver in case of emergencies.

  • Communication: Carry a fully charged mobile phone with emergency contact numbers saved. While signal strength may vary, it's your lifeline in case of emergencies.

  • Wildlife Awareness: Be cautious of wildlife, especially on more secluded trails. Maintain a respectful distance and avoid feeding animals.

No matter your experience level, Mai Chau promises an enthralling mountain biking adventure amid stunning natural beauty and vibrant local culture. If you're unsure where to begin, numerous tour operators in the area can assist you in planning your dream cycling expedition. So, saddle up and get ready to pedal through the captivating landscapes of Mai Chau, Vietnam. Your mountain biking adventure awaits!

Top routes

Cat Tien National Park
Cat Tien National Park

This national park in the south of Vietnam is home to a variety of wildlife, including tigers, elephants, and rhinos. There are also some great mountain biking trails in the park, which offer a unique opportunity to experience the natural beauty of the region.

Tam Dao National Park
Tam Dao National Park

A mountain biking haven in northern Vietnam, featuring trails for all levels. Prepare for an adventure filled with natural beauty and thrilling biking experiences.

Ba Vi National Park
Ba Vi National Park

The located just outside of Hanoi and is a great place for a day trip of mountain biking. The park has a variety of trails, including some that lead to the top of Ba Vi Mountain, which offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside.

Pu Luong Nature Reserve
Pu Luong Nature Reserve

The located in the north central region of Vietnam, about 160 kilometers southwest of Hanoi. The reserve is known for its stunning rice terraces, limestone mountains, and lush forests.

Ba Be Lake
Ba Be Lake

There are a few mountain biking trails around Ba Be Lake, but they are not as well-known as some of the other trails in Vietnam. This makes them a great option for riders who want to avoid the crowds.